103學測作文佳作 (7)
I just got a new iPod from my father last week from my father last week, and it had been the greatest birthday gift I had ever received. Featuring the newest functions, this iPod which was painted bright purple allowed me to listen to the music I wanted at anytime. One day after class, I put my earphones on and cheerfully went home. I then turned the volume so loud that enabled my heart to beat to every single note that flew from the earphones. At the same time, there was a girl walking by my side. She had an iPod just like mine and was almost drowned in her iPod world too.
As we were walking forward, a sudden scream struck my ears. It seemed that the girl was so busy using her device that she didn’t notice there was a huge tree standing in front of her until her head hit the trunk. A mother and her kid had seen the incident, and they were both stunned. After they slowly came to their senses, I heard the mother said to her kid: “That’s very dangerous, darling. Those people just ignore their surroundings and that’s not good.” However, I just kept enjoying my music even after I heard her words. I was not that careless, I thought.
However, when I was about to get home, I was nearly scared to death when a car driver suddenly made a loud sound to me. He was furious that I didn’t notice his car was coming. Frightened, I just stepped back to the road, right in front of a fast-moving car. There was a scream, suddenly cut short, and in few seconds it was all over. I lay on the road, and the whole world went black.
Then, I woke up, with my eyes wild open. Still had fear in my heart, I quickly sat up in bed. The room was cool and quiet, with both windows open. The moon was high in the sky, and its soft light fell on my bedroom floor. There was no iPod, no accident, and no blood. But I was still afraid, and I could not sleep again. I looked at my watch:4:52 a.m., and today was my birthday. Dad told me that he would buy me an iPod for my birthday. However, I was now so certain that I would use it properly and never ever be a careless guy.
一、以圖片中男高中生為主角敘寫故事。有一天他邊走邊用他的iPod聽音樂,他身旁也有一個女生全神貫注於她的iPod;女生因此撞到樹幹,而男生 因專心聽音樂,未注意路況,在家門口被急駛的汽車撞死。故事精彩之處在於以上的故事情節都只是一場夢境,而作者從中得到的教訓是:如果爸爸真的給他一台 iPod當生日禮物,一定會妥善使用,以免發生悲劇。
103學測作文佳作 (10)
Sunlight stretched elegantly upon the earth, lacquering everything with a touch of its golden beams. The birds were chirping a cheerful tune on the trees, while the wind gently caressed the rattling leaves. It was yet another cool spring morning. A mother and her cute little daughter, were appreciating the beauty which the world had to offer. They admired the harmonious symphony God had created in awe. However, two reckless students were too indulged in theirselves that they didn’t even bother to pay attention to the world.
Tim and Sue were that two petulant teenagers. They had been a couple for two years. Recently, they were so addicted to their mobile phones that they started to neglect each other. They usually chatted happily and shared the bitter and sweets of life on their way to school, hand in hand. But now, Sue always groped in her bag for her iphone and immersed herself in the kingdom of “Candy Crush”. With her eyes glued to the screen, she kept fiddling her fingers to complete the tasks. As for Tim, he was always listening to his favorite band – The Wanted’s songs. He preferred to put on headphones and turn the volume to the maximum, and danced to the rhythm and beats as if nobody were beside him.
This time, luck wasn’t on their side. Sue bumped right onto a big oak tree, and her forehead instantly swollen up. She rubbed her painful head and found out that she got several bruises. On the other hand, Tim nearly encountered a car accident. With the music playing loudly, he failed to notice a series of furious honks from a taxi driver. They were both startled and realized how careless and foolish they had been. They were fortunate enough to have the chance to root out their bad habits before something fatal really happened.
As the day dragged on. Their sense of guilt and regret urged them to put away their precious cell phones. The sun became a reddish-orange orb on the west horizon leaving the clouds painted with a faint hue of twilight. Tim and Sue telepathically looked at each other, with love and contentment. Without meaningless distractions, they were able to cherish each other with every piece of their heart. Without the time-wasting gadgets, they finally could start to take in the seemingly normal but breathtaking sceneries in daily life. This lesson and memory would be deeply engraved in the depths of their hearts, forever.
一、以Tim與Sue兩位高中生為主角敘寫故事。兩人自從有手機後,皆不自覺沈迷於其中。Sue走路時專心手機遊戲Candy Crush,不小心撞到一棵樹,而Tim則用手機來聽他所喜愛樂團的音樂,未注意路況,差點就發生車禍。經過這個事件後,他們決定丟棄手機,回歸到原先可 以彼此分享經驗與想法的日子。
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